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Equipment, X Arditi Reggimento

Page Created
December 14th, 2024
Last Updated
December 29th, 2024
Italian Flag
Additional Information
Order of Battle

Helmets and Uniforms
M 1933 HelmetM 1933 Helmet
M 1942 Paracadutisti HelmetM 1942 Paratroopers Helmet
M 1937 Uniform BeretM 1937 Beret
M 1940 Service (Field) UniformM-1940 Field Uniform
M 1940 Regio Esercito (Field) UniformM 1940 Regio Esercito (Field) Uniform
M 1941 Paracadutisti UniformM 1941 Paratrooper Uniform
M 40 Great Coat CappottoM 1940 Great Coat Cappotto
M 1939 Flannel ShirtM 1939 Flannel Shirt
M 1942 Camouflage SmockM 1942 Camouflage Smock
M 1912 Ankle BootsM 1912 Ankle Boots
M 1941 Calzature ParacadutistiM 1941 Calzature Paracadutisti
Personal Equipment
M 1930 Mess KitM 1930 Mess Kit
Zaino AlpinoZaino Alpino
Zaino TacticoZaino Tactico
Gibernaggio da ParacadutistaGibernaggio da Paracadutista
Waist belt with ammunition pouches and Bayonet FrogWaist belt with ammunition pouches and Bayonet Frog
Personal Weapons
M 1939 Combat KnifeM 1939 Combat Knife
Beretta Model 34 PistolBeretta Model 34 Pistol
Moschetto Automatico Beretta Modello 1938AMoschetto Automatico Beretta Modello 1938A
Carcano M1891TS Moschetto per Truppe SpecialiCarcano M91/38 TS Carbine
Heavy Weapons
Lanciafiamme Modello 1935 Lanciafiamme Modello 1935
Lanciafiamme Modello 1941 D’assaltoLanciafiamme Modello 1941 D'assalto
Breda Modello 30 Machine GunBreda Modello .30 Machine Gun
Breda Modello 37 Machine GunBreda Modello 37 Machine Gun
Brixia Modello 35 Light 
Brixia Modello 35 Light 
SPA-Viberti AS42 with 8 millimetres Breda model 37 machine gun.
SPA-Viberti AS42 with 20 millimetres Solothurn S18/1000 anti-tank rifle.
 SPA-Viberti AS42 with 20 millimetres Breda model 35 gun.SPA-Viberti AS42
SPA-Viberti AS42 with 47 millimetres Breda 47/32 gun.
Motoscafi Armati SilurantiMotoscafi Armati Siluranti
Savoia-Marchetti SM.82 MarsupialeSavoia-Marchetti SM.82 Marsupiale
Specialised Equipment
Stazione TXO-OC3 TransceiverStazione TXO-OC3 Transceiver
S.N.I.P.A. / Paracadute I.F. 41 S.P.S.N.I.P.A. / Paracadute I.F. 41 S.P.
Paratroopers KneepadsParatroopers Kneepads