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British Ships

Page Created
August 1st, 2022
Last Updated
January 14th, 2025
Great Britain
British Flag
Helmets and Uniforms
Personal Equipment
Specialised Equipment
Personal Weapons
Heavy Weapons
Other Countries
British Equipment
U.S. Equipment
Converted Ships
H.M.S. CampbeltownH.M.S. Campbeltown (Converted)
Landing Craft
Landing Craft, Assault (LCA)Landing Craft Assault
Landing Craft, Infantry (Small) (LCI(SM))Landing Craft Infantry (Small) (LCI(S))
Landing Craft Personnel (Large) (LCP(L))Landing Craft Personnel (Large)
Landing Craft, Personnel (Ramped) (LCP(R))Landing Craft, Personnel (Ramped) (LCP(R))
Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel (LCVP)Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel
Landing Craft (mechanized) (LCM)Landing Craft Mechanised
Landing Craft, Tank (LCT)Landing Craft Tank
Maracaibo Class Mark I Landing Ship, Tank (LST1)
Boxer Class Mark II Landing Ship, Tank (LST 1)
Mark II Landing Ship, Tank (LST 2)Landing Ship Tank Mk. II
Mark III Landing ship, Tank (LST 3)Landing Ship Tank Mk. III
Landing Craft, Infantry (large) (LCI(L))Landing Craft Infantry (Large)
Improvised Landing Craft
Fairmile B-Type Motor Launch
Fairmile C-type Motor Gun Boat
Fairmile D-type Motor Torpedo Boat
Vosper Thornycroft 70 Motor Torpedo Boat
Landing Support Craft
Landing Craft, Control (LCC)
Landing Craft, Flak (LCF)Landing Craft Flak
Landing Craft, Gun (LCG)Landing Craft Gun
Landing Craft, Support (Mortar) LCS(M)
Landing Craft, Assault (Hedgerow) (LCA(HR))
Landing Craft, Assault (Conger) (LCA(C))
Landing Craft, Support (LCS(L)(2))Landing Craft Support (Large) (LCS(L))
Landing Craft, Support (LCS(M)(3))Landing Craft, Support (LCS(M)(3))
Landing Craft, Tank (Rocket) (LCT(R))Landing Craft Tank (Rocket)
Landing Craft, Hospital (LCH)
Landing Ship, Infantry (Large)(LSI(L))Landing Ship Infantry (Large) (LSI(L))
Landing Ship, Infantry (Medium/Small) (LSI(M/S))Landing Ship, Infantry (Medium/Small) (LSI(M/S))
Landing Ship Infantry (Hand Hoisted) (LSI(M))Landing Ship Infantry (Hand Hoisted) (LSH)
Landing Ship, Emergency Repair (LSE)Landing Ship Emergency Repair
Landing Ship, Stern chute (LSS)Landing Ship Stern Chute H.M.S. Daffodil
Landing Ship Gantry (LSG)Landing Ship Gantry (LSG)
Land Ship Carrier (LSC)Land Ship Carrier (LSC)
Landing Ship Dock (LSD)Landing Ship Dock H.M.S. Eastway
Landing Ship, Headquarters (Large) (LSH(L))Landing Ship Headquarters (Large) (LSH(L))
Landing Ship, Fighter Direction (LSF)Landing Ship, Fighter Direction (LSF)
Experimental Landing Craft
Landing Craft, Assault (Canal Defence Light) (LCA(CDL))
Landing Craft, Assault (Flame Thrower) (LCA(FT))
Landing Craft, Assault (Obstacle Clearing) (LCA(OC))
Experimental Craft
Intermediate Transport CarrierIntermediate Transport Carrier
Paddle BoardPaddle Board
Vosper Boom Patrol BoatBoom Patrol Boat
Small Landing Craft
Cockle Mk. II CanoeCockle Canoe Mk. II
Goatley BoatGoatley Boat
Chariot Mk. IChariot Mk. I
Chariot Mk. IIChariot Mk. II
H.M.S. L23HMS L23 with Chariot Tubes
H.M.S. P311 (Tutankhamen)H.M.S. P311 with Chariot Tubes
H.M.S. SaracenH.M.S. Saracen with Chariot Tube
H.M.S. ThunderboltHMS Thunderbolt with Chariot Tubes
H.M.S. TrooperHMS Trooper with Chariot Tubes
H.M.S. TunaH.M.S. Tuna
Motorised Submersible Canoes (MSC)
Sleeping Beauty
Motorised Submersible Canoe "Sleeping Beauty"
WelfreighterWellfreighter Submarine
WelmanWelman Mini Submarine

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