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Equipment X Flottiglia MAS

Belloni suit
Personal Weapons
Heavy Weapons
Limpet Mines
Fiat 626 NML, Medium Truck
Fiat 666 NM, Heavy Truck
Fiat Spa TL37, Light Tractor
Fiat Spa TP37, Heavy Tractor
Lancia 3-RO, Heavy Truck
Viberti Trailers
Destroyer Quintino Sella
Destroyer Francesco Crispi
Destroyer Legionnario
Destroyer Granatiere
Destroyer Grecale
Destroyer Dardo
Destroyer Strale
Destroyer Arrow
Mercant Ship Olterra
Motor Sailer Constanza
Motoscafo d’Assalto
Motoscafo Avio Trasportato
Motoscafo Turismo (MT)
Motoscafo Turismo Modificato (MTM)
Motoscafo Turismo Ridotto (MTR)
Motoscafo Turismo Ridotto Modificato (MTRM)
Motoscafo Turismo Lento (MTL)
Motoscafo Turismo Silurante (MTS)
Motoscafo Turismo Silurante Modificato (MTSM)
Motoscafo Turismo Silurante Modificato Allargato (MTSMA)
Mini Submarine CA-Class
Siluro a Lenta Corsa (SLC)
Siluro San Bartolomeo (SSB)
Steamship Mauro Croce
Submarine Amber
Submarine Amethyst
Submarine Aradam
Submarine Conger
Submarine Gondar
Submarine Iride
Submarine Iris
Submarine Leonardo Da Vinci
Submarine Moray
Submarine Scire
Submarine Sparide
Support Ship Diana
Torpedo Boat Pallade
Torpedo Boat Partenope
Trawler Cefalo
Trawler Pegaso
Trawler Salvatore M.
Trawler Sogliola
Cant Z.506, Seaplane
Cant Z.511, Seaplane
Savoia-Marchetti S.55, Seaplane
Specialised Equipment
Pirelli Modello 49/bis
PIrelli Aro